Love is misterious.
As we know, that we wont know what will happen with our love.
Like a mistery, love can give our life many more surprise that we don't see before.
Mistery of love can happen to everyone.
Actually, we just can for feelling that moment.
But, we can't get the true conclution.
Mistery of love, just god that know.
Not anyone.
We just creat for planning, but we don't know with god's conclution.
Wish we can get good moment, that we can to be realization our dream of love.
We can get beautiful ending.
And we will life with our beautiful life forever.
Foreverer, and we will smile happy.
Beautiful mistery of love.
belajar dan beramal
dengan belajar kita mampu beramal dengan benar
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- “Sebaik-baik wanita ialah yang tidak memandang dan...
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- Bukti Allah Menyayangi Kita

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